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General Schedule 2025

This year, we are not going to travel as much as the previous year due to personal engagements. We however have a few spots left in our calendar. Contact us, if you are interested in having us in your hometown or club. 
And, by the way: It does not need an official structure. A group of dedicated dancers and studio is all you need to organise a weekend with us! 

January, 3-5: Dos Corazones – Open Role in a Close Embrace / Saarbrücken, Germany

January 24-26: DJ Seminar / Saarbrücken, Germany

February 1-2: Basics Workshop / Saarbrücken, Germany

February 4: Start of regular classes / Saarbrücken, Germany

February, 8-9: Tanzend zur Quelle (Therapeutic dance with Melina) / Saarbrücken, Germany

March, 7-8: Bootcamp for experienced dancers, Module 1 / Saarbrücken, Germany

April, 4-6: Bootcamp for experienced dancers, Module 2 / Saarbrücken, Germany

April, 12-13: Intensive Seminars / Kreuzlingen, CH 

April, 22-27: Tango Teacher Training, Module 1 / Saarbrücken, Germany

May, 2-4: Bootcamp for experienced dancers, Module 3 / Saarbrücken, Germany

May 7-14: Tango Holiday to Tuscany / Montecatini Terme, Italy

June 13-15: Pequeña – Festivalito Milonguero / Saarbrücken, Germany

August, 5-10: Tango Teacher Training, Module 2 / Saarbrücken, Germany

August: Workshops / Lillehammer, Norway (to be confirmed)

August 30 – September 6: Ladies’ Retreat (Melina) / Burgundy, France

October, 14-19: Tango Teacher Training, Module 3 / Saarbrücken, Germany

October, Workshops in Firenze, Italy (to be confirmed)

November, 8-9: Intensive Seminars / Kreuzlingen, CH