A service for Encuentro Milonguero organisers!
Been having problems to fill up your Encuentro with appropriate social dancers or unhappy with the dance level at milonguero events in general?
The reasons for this development are obvious: there are now so many encuentros and other events for milongueros, that the good social dancers are spread thin all over them. For a time the demand seemed huge, but now, even well-established events struggle. Many close. And organising a new encuentro, in particular when you are not yet known as an organiser is even a bigger risk. Many organisers now accept dancers who do not have the necessary skills, just to prevent a financial loss. The result is a decline in quality and a loss of the desired target audience.
We have worked since 2001 to build a community of close embrace dancers all over Europe and the USA and have immensely contributed to the development and success of the Encuentro- and Festivalito Milonguero formats. In the years of 2008-2015 there has been a very positive development in milonguero culture and every event that called itself Encuentro stood for a high quality. But we all know that there are still not enough skilled milongueros to fill up all the events. Also the influence of more “showy” teacher couples in (relative) close embrace have clearly had an impact on the movement in the ronda.
We think, there is only one solution to the problem: Intensify the training of “new” milongueros.
Despite a huge competition of new spectacular teachers, we have never compromised our approach to social tango and have over the years rather become more focused on what we want: nice dancers with a soft embrace, an understanding for the music and the codigos. Team players without the need to show off, who move in harmony with their partners and the other couples in the ronda.
This is why we now offer a new service for Encuentro organisers:
A 6-9 hour intensive course for the participants of your event. In these 2 days, we will focus on the embrace, the codigos on and off the ronda, musicality and on tools for crowded dance-floors.
Target audience: The seminar is geared towards newbies in the encuentro community and local dancers whom you want to integrate into your events. But tango is a process of life-long-learning and sometimes our purpose gets sidetracked. This is why experienced milongueros will also profit hugely from such a training. Think of it as a milonguero-re-fresher!
Forms of organisation: The seminar can be offered in the days immediately before your event or on the weekend before. Or, if you target local/regional dancers, the bootcamp can be held independently from the event, maybe a few months before. Perhaps even before the booking process. Combined with a nice traditional milonga to practise all new skills!
Our qualification: Apart from what you can read on our page, just go to a good international encuentro. Then ask dancers with whom you like to dance or who seem to fit in nicely about their teachers. The chances that our name will be mentioned are quite high!
We guarantee you, that this effective training will not only have an impact on the success of the immediate event but also on the future ones. You know: happy dancers will return next year!