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TTT Testimonials

What former participants say about Detlef + Melina’s Tango-Teacher-Training


“Without TTT there would be no local community in my hometown, which would be a pity since my students are among the loveliest and most wanted dancers in the region these days 🙂 TTT with its well balanced mixture of dance technique workshops, presentations and discussions was truly inspiring and helped us a lot to grow as tango teachers. We strongly believe the seminar an absolute must for every teacher of social tango!”
Alja Ferme & Saso Zivanovic, Slovenia


“We were in the first TTT Group in 2013 and we continue to deliver classes based on the detailed insights revealed during the course in Saarbrucken. We learnt not only how to show and explain movements but also how to observe and improve students by micro-changes to posture. The TTT experience has enabled us to teach authoritively and has given our students a much faster route to improve. Additionally we learnt much about the music and  setting up and running a tango school.
Detlef and Melina are inspirational and generous trainers , sharing their extensive understanding of tango dancing and teaching . We highly recommend this course.”
David Thomas & Marion Greenwood, UK


“Drum roll! I hereby present my most precious certificate!
I am so proud to have been the first tango teacher from Poland to take part in the 4-module, 100-hour training with Melina Sedó and Detlef Engel. Their systematic approach to tango technique and musicality is something I have always dreamt of as a tango student. Having been exposed to either memorisation of step sequences, or chaotic and esoteric explanations in my early years of learning tango, now I have realised the conscious and mindful understanding of what is happening in my and my partner’s body is the only key to success for me. And Melina and Detlef’s explanations are exactly this: no magic, just focus on small details that do the trick. Understanding centres of rotation in all kinds of movements turned out to be a revelation, explaining nearly everything: how a movement works, or why something does not work in the couple. Practice is the part that cannot be skipped, though… Nevertheless, with all the knowledge I have now, I feel much more confident about my leading skills, and I am pretty certain I can explain concepts to both partners. Role swapping is just unimaginably helpful in our development as dancers. And, Melina, your saying that I am just as nerdy as you two are… I guess that was the biggest compliment I have heard in a long time
Thank you!”
Patrycja Kaminska, Poland


“A year ago I decided to sign up for TTT 2018 – Tango Teacher Training in search of the deeper understanding that one gains when studying any subject through the perspective of teaching it to someone else. It was not an easy decision for me, as it was a huge investment in terms of money, work leave, and energy.
The intensity and final outcomes of the training exceeded all my expectations. In an intimate group of only 10 participants, I spent 100 hours analyzing various aspects of tango in depths I had not previously imagined there were possible.  Melina Sedo & Detlef Engel’s systematic approach, based on principles of pedagogy, human anatomy and physics, debunked several myths I was exposed to in my early tango life, such as the necessity of sequence memorization, that ‘you gotta have it in your blood’, that “musicality is intuitive” or that “it’s the leader’s fault!”. I am now able to dissect complex sequences into simple digestible parts, ‘troubleshoot’ problems in my own dancing as well as other, individual dancers or couples, explain the intricacies of both roles, and shed light to the complexity of tango music.
I now realize, more than ever, that tango is not unlike any other subject whose mastery depends on attention to detail, careful listening (to one’s own body, the partner’s body, the music, the ronda) and above all, systematic and disciplined practice. 
This was the best decision I’ve made for my growth as a dancer.”
Varvara (Barbara) Kountouzi, USA


“A wealth of teaching experience, a great didactical approach, expert knowledge, fun and friends – 100 hours of intensive work – and more to come! 
We are enjoying our Tango in a growing international community by sharing our ideas with TTT-friends. What you get cannot be described – just feel it!”
Harald Ferstl & Beatrice Weinzettl, Austria


“Als wir von Melina und Detlefs Teacher-Training erfuhren, kannten wir die beiden noch gar nicht. Dennoch haben wir uns sofort um eine Teilnahme beworben: Tango de Salon, Musikalität, soziales Tanzen – das liegt uns am Herzen, darüber wollten wir mehr erfahren. Mit hohen Erwartungen haben wir die Ausbildung begonnen.
Nun am Ende sind wir tief beeindruckt. Unsere Erwartungen haben die beiden weit übertroffen. Sie haben es geschafft, 100 Stunden Unterricht so gut aufzubauen, dass keine einzige Stunde langweilig war. Tanztraining der Basistechniken, theoretische und tänzerische Auseinandersetzung mit den großen Orchestern, Gruppenarbeiten zu den vielfältigen Fragestellungen des Tangounterrichts, Lehrproben und Analyse des eigenen Unterrichts und immer wieder unterstützendes Feedback und wertvolle Hinweise – jede Stunde war absolut spannend und jeder Tag war perfekt strukturiert.
Bewegt bedanken wir uns für den Reichtum, den wir gewonnen haben und verabschieden uns von der Gruppe und von Melina und Detlef. Und natürlich hoffen wir, die beiden bald wiederzusehen und noch mehr von Ihnen zu lernen.”
Hildegard Winkler & Michael Büchner, Germany 


“By the time I finished reading their CAMINAR ABRAZADOS my copy was thoroughly covered in notes about things to remember, to try, to explore, to learn more about. When I looked up their web site I was surprised to learn of their Tango Teacher Training. Although the travel from the U.S. was outside my comfort zone, it seemed important to pursue this opportunity to study with them. I attended the 2016-2017 term, each time extending the long weekend trip at either the beginning or end to visit tango scenes in other parts of Europe.
The TTT brought clarity and insight to my understanding of tango. It instilled in me a strong sense of the rigor required to do an admirable job of preparing for and delivering training. It modeled for me the work of exceptionally fine teachers who have thoroughly prepared themselves to understand and perform the dance, to convey the principles of the dance and the music, and to prepare teachers to work with students in a knowledgeable, respectful, and resourceful way.”
David Philips, USA


“The TTT changed my life. Nothing less. It took me a while before I even dared to register because I never intended to become a tango teacher. At the same time I was well aware of my very limited tango skills. Classes with M&D had already opened my eyes and I  had already realized that I had never learned any proper technique and no basic skills at all in my tango life so far. I was scared to death that in a teachers training there would be only fantastic dancers, all of them teachers already, except for me. And I imagined I would not be good enough and probably fail completely.
But no. Nobody fails in the TTT. To the contrary. All of us were struggling with something: the technic, changing roles, musicality, understanding the tango orchestras…. You constantly muse about tango related problems and I started to rethink every single step I took. Following and leading. An incredible challenge. And soooo rewarding! 
Not only did I restructure all of my tango, I also got the most important and best start for learning how to seriously lead during the TTT. And I found fantastic new friends. The TTT is different from normal tango events. You spend time together. You work together. Intensely. You laugh together. A lot. You solve problems together. You exchange knowledge. You help each other. You visit each other. You dream together (mainly of how to change the (local) tango scene for the better). You struggle together. You gain friends. Very very good friends. And you keep them after the TTT.
All of a sudden you gain confidence in your own skills. Justified confidence. Because your tango improves. After the TTT you can even explain in detail why it improved so much. 🙂 And it’s a project to keep you busy for the rest of your life. Very nice.
So first of all you have fantastic weekends with M&D plus the other participants. After the TTT M&D offer for all of their TTTs to assist them in their workshops. That is what I did for almost three years. I followed M&D throughout Germany, Austria and Slowenia and assisted frequently in their classes. That has been just as intense as the TTT itself. To be part of the TTT and to be one of all the dedicated tango dancers around Melina and Detlef it feels like being part of a growing tango family.  Whereever you go, someone smiles at you. 
So yes: The TTT has changed my life. Thanks to those most wonderful people – Melina and Detlef – I have turned from a blind local dancer to a (hopefully) respectful and sensitive double role tango dancer, who has discovered the pleasures of international events.”
Imme Oldenburg, Germany
(Imme is teaching Leading Ladies classes with another TTT graduate Ramona Steckermeier. They don’t have a website, but you can find Imme on Facebook.)


“Gerade eben haben wir ein TTT beendet, da melden wir uns schon für das nächste an. Aus Melinas erstaunter Antwort-Mail hören wir etwas Unverständnis über das “Warum ?“ heraus. Für uns eigentlich klar: In den langen Monaten unserer Ausbildung haben wir in solchem Maße profitiert, dass eine Fortsetzung der Arbeit im TTT die logische Konsequenz ist. Wir müssen nicht Lücken füllen (falsch: die eine oder andere Lücke doch), wir wollen noch tiefer eintauchen, unseren Tangotanz weiter entwickeln. (Vielleicht zur Verdeutlichung: unser Hauptanliegen ist zur Zeit nicht das Unterrichten einer „eigenen“ Tanzgruppe, sondern eine Verbesserung unseres eigenen Tanzens.) Nur ein Beispiel: Anfangs nur ein geringes Interesse am ‘Leading-Lernen‘ (“brauch‘ und kann ich sowieso nicht“), ist jetzt eines meiner priorisierten nächsten Ziele, auch auf Milongas zu führen. Woher der Sinneswandel? Melinas und Detlefs überaus schlüssiges Konzept, ihre didaktische und methodische Eindeutigkeit, ihre Geduld und Sachlichkeit im Umgang mit uns allen, die Arbeit mit den anderen Teilnehmern und eine umfassende Auseinandersetzung mit allem, was mit Tango zusammenhängt (Musik, Orchester, und und und), haben meine / unsere Motivation befeuert und die Einsicht in die Kommunikation im Paar gesteigert, so dass unser Tangotanzgefühl einen Schub gemacht hat – jedenfalls meistens.
Ging es immer bergauf? NEIN! Wir hatten unsere Einbrüche und Tiefpunkte – und wer glaubt, das mache man alles mal so nebenbei, der täuscht sich! Intensive Auseinandersetzung mit den Themen und Bewegungslernen sind anstrengend, aber dafür euphorisiert der gefühlte Zuwachs der persönlichen Fähigkeiten.”
Angelika und Jürgen Janzen, Germany


“Tango in tijden van een pandemie.
Ik wil niet echt een letterlijke vergelijking maken met ”El amor en los tiempos del cólera” van Gabriel García Márquez maar net als de liefde -in deze roman beschreven als intens in een tijd van een dodelijke ziekte- kan ’tango’ intensief beleefd worden in een vergelijkbare periode.
Want zelfs in een tijd waarin kontakt tussen mensen afgeraden of zelfs verboden is blijft het mogelijk te werken aan een dans waarin kommunikatie en kontakt essentieel is. Zo heb ik tenminste het jaar beleefd waarin de TTT ook gedeeltelijk op afstand -via digitale ontmoetingen- plaats vond.
Deze intensieve training -van heel wat uren!- opende deuren waarvan ik me het bestaan niet eens bewust was en struktureerde wat ik voorheen slechts intuitief had beleefd. 
Ik werd gekonfronteerd met mijn eigen beperkingen zodat ik die nu meer bewust kan proberen te verbeteren.
Maar ik ontdekte ook het waardevolle van wat ik al wist en kon, en dat gaf voeding aan de vreugde die zo verbonden is met tango.
We dansen immers omdat we er gelukkiger van worden. Kennis over hoe we dansen kunnen, en kennis over de musiek waarop we dansen, maakt die belevenis intensiever.
Het volgen van de TTT is een unieke kans al die kennis over tango te verdiepen. Ik weet van geen enkele andere training die daarmee te vergelijken is.”
Hans Leutscher, Netherlands/Sweden


I attended Melina’s tango teacher training after twelve years of different tango classes (including in Buenos Aires) and I was completely surprised how valuable it was for me to learn a logical system that I could better handle myself and better teach to students. There had been so many important basics that are not taught anywhere else – so far i know. I also noticed that my own tango level has risen several levels since then and I have much more fun dancing and of course leading… I fully recommend it!
Manuela Villa, Germany


For me the TTT was the most amazing experience in tango learning!
You learn the basics of tango dancing in great detail. There is also a lot about pedagogy and the formation of a tango community. Since the training takes many months, you also get to know the participants better (making friendships ) and also about your teachers. Double role is very important too.
There is a lot more to say. Since I have been a tango DJ for a long time, I have also learned a lot about the orchestras and the music. How can you teach tango without knowing the orchestras?
Tiziano Franzoi, Switzerland


Melina Sedo & Detlef Engel’s Tango Teacher Training has been one of the deepest, most far-reaching, creative, and broadly enriching learning experiences of my life; so good and profound that I had to do it a second time! (that time, with my life partner), and was able to dig even deeper and consolidate more of all that M&D presented and that the participants worked on energetically and creatively. This is no passive learning experience, but rather an experiential bonanza about every aspect of teaching tango.
Rachel Seidel, USA


Wow!! Certainly much can be said about the TTT….most, not all, but most classes are like a little jar of paint….but, TTT, gives you everything you need to create your own Tango….not just following or mimicking a teacher….you now can determine who you need to study with…and how to create your own expression: embrace, musicality, technique….with others doing the same….in short:
Malik Watkins, USA